RAM Connection

RAM Connection
Steel connection design software
Analyze and design structural steel connections in seconds.
RAM Connection is the ideal solution when structural engineers or designers need to check a specific connection, design a single connection for multiple joints, or optimize each connection in a structure. Analyze, design, and verify structural steel connections, all with comprehensive calculations,
including seismic compliance.
RAM Connection enables integrated connection design by allowing integration with RAM Structural System, RAM Elements, and STAAD.Pro, or it can be used as a standalone tool for steel connection design.
Automate connection design
Design, check, and optimize shear, moment, gusset, splice, bracket, base plate, and truss connections, according to AISC (ASD or LRFD), EN 1993, BS 5950, IS 800, GB 50017, AS4100, and NZS 3404, automatically. Assign connections directly to the finite element model and RAM Connection will automatically consider member geometric and material properties and analytical results.
RAM Connection makes it easy to check a specific connection or all connections in groups.
Embrace unlimited flexibility
Bring together your own firms’ standards to customize your design, or choose from a large database of predefined connections. RAM Connection also provides reports with explicit equations and references to the design standard.
Design connections of all types
View your design in 3D
Cutting-edge graphics allow accurate 3D views of fit-up and clearance to reduce on-site connection issues ensuring that your structure will work in the real context of the design.
Technical Capabilities
• Design shear connections (shear tab, clip angle, end plate)
• Design moment connections (flange plates, directly welded flanges)
• Design combined connections (extended end plate)
• Design gusset connections
• Design truss connections
• Use wide flange beams, wide flange, or HSS columns and virtually any steel section(s) for braces
• Beam-to-column connections (flange or web)
• Beam-to-girder connections
• Beam-to-beam connections
• Beam and column splices
• Brackets
• Base plate design including anchors • Gusset plates for vertical and horizontal bracing connections
• HSS chords and branches truss connections
• Extensive, customizable database of connections provided
• Generate new connections using the program interface or using Microsoft Excel
• Control dozens of design parameters such as:
o Plate dimensions
o Welds (type, size, electrode series, length, etc.)
o Bolts (size, material, N, X, slip critical, hole types, etc.)
o Doublers and stiffeners dimensions
o Top and bottom beam copes
o Sloped and skewed connections
• Design per AISC 360-05-10 or 16 (ASD or LRFD)
• Design per AISC 341-05-10 or 16 seismic provisions
• Most AISC 358-05 & 10 prequalified moment connections included
• Anchor bolt design per ACI 318, EN 1992 (EC2), AS 4100, and NZS 3101
• Design per GB 50017-2003
• Design per IS 800:2007
• Design per BS 5950-1:2000
• Design per EN 1993-EC3
• Design per AS 4100-1998
• Design per NZS 3404-1997
• Verify existing connections
• Optimize connections with our advance algorithms or from your own pre-selected list
Output and documentation
• On-screen verification of connection results
• 3D realistic views
• 3D transparent views to avoid joint conflicts
• DXF drawing generation
• DXF export to CAD
RAM Connection performs analysis and design of virtually any connection type and verifies your results in seconds, all with comprehensive calculations, including seismic compliance.
Efficiently design and optimize a myriad of connections included in the AISC (ASD and LRFD), EC3, IS, GB, and BS specifications. Quickly complete all your connections, such as shear and moment connections, braced frame connections, column/beam splices, and base plates.
Increase your productivity with optimized workflows and full integration of 3D design models, including the ability to customize the application with your preferences.